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ProLine Messpakete



Measuring straightness with ProLine®

What is straightness? A line is a straight curve. We measure the "non-straightness" or curvature of something that appears to be straight from a distance. A guideway is also not a line, but a thin surface. This also has a transverse inclination. ProLine is a professional measurement package for this work.

Are you looking for an alignment system for guideways or straight axes?

The ProLine® 100 system with the biaxial R540 sensor does just that. It also includes a D140 distance measuring device for measuring larger distances. Quick set-up. Simple alignment. Digital detection. Extensions to the system are possible at any time!

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Kippwinkelmessung mit Auswertung

ProLine V4 with tilt angle measurement

Tilt angle measurements are now also possible using the µLevel inclination measuring system. Measurement with µLevel If the µLevel digital spirit level is used in addition to a laser source and a 2-axis receiver, the tilt of a guide carriage can be measured as well as the height and side. The tilt has an influence on the lateral measurement. The 3D button in the main display takes you to the tilt display. This is a three-dimensional display of how much the measurement object has tilted sideways during the measurement.

More on this in the pdf operating instructions.