"Guiding principles at Status Pro
The following ideas serve as an orientation for the way we do things at Status Pro.
Our customers pay our wages
Our Customers have wishes and expectations. Fulfilling these wishes and meeting these expectations is the measure of our success. Therefore customer oriented decision making at all levels is our most fundamental guiding principle.
Quality and reliability
We develop and manufacture instruments for machine tool builders. We are grateful and more than a little proud that almost all of the central European and many other machine tool builders from around the world are our customers today. When it comes to precision and reliability there are not many groups of people in the mechanical engineering world with higher expectations and requirements than machine tool builders. Correspondingly Quality assurance is a big deal here at Status Pro.
Our Quality management System is certified according to the ISO 9001: 2015 principles.
Our next step will be accreditation for the DAkks for inclination and relative distance measurement.
Innovation and learning
Our Innovation is typically customer driven. Indeed customer specific solutions and particularly software is an important part of our business and a great opportunity to learn. Over the years we have learned a great deal from building customer specific measurement solutions. Most of our of the shelf solutions have profited by this intensive customer interaction. We continuously strive to make the innovation practicable and reliable. This is often the biggest challenge and we can only achieve through continuous improvement and continuous customer feedback.
Respect und trust
We are convinced that most people are willing to give their best to achieve the goals they understand and share. Any well functioning long term relationship must be based on a high degree of trust and respect. We must provide our employees with the information and the best tools and working environment possible, to facilitate this principle.
Consistency und teamwork
In order to meet the expectations of our Customers, Investors and Business Partners we have no choice but to work consistently and as a team. Consistency and reliability are preconditions of real teamwork especially between different organisations. Therefore we must continuously strive for consistency and reliability."
David Foley (Management)