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Evaluations transparent and at a glance

Machine errors are automatically visualized with the 5X-Analyzer app, digitally evaluated and saved in a database. The 5X-App was developed by the Fraunhofer Institute specifi cally for the 5X-Analyzer.

Smart Phone


Easy to use

  • Self-explanatory operator guidance
  • Modern features


Administration and evaluation

  • Analysis of the entire machine park with one measuring instrument
  • Scientific evaluation of the measured values about mathematical algorithms of the Fraunhofer IPT
  • Creation of an immediately visible quality report for each measurement
  • Automatic generation of a compensation chart
  • Quick check and live display


Quality management and digitalization

  • Consistent documentation of machine accuracy
  • Detailed report and history function for each machine
  • Independent definition of tolerances allows "go/no-go" options
  • Recorded data for further analysis or BDE system exportable


Developed in cooperation with the Fraunhofer IPT


